Sunday, March 15, 2015

Her Eyes

I fear…
I fear you

                                I fear your soft brown eyes,
                I fear the way they make me feel,
                I fear the way you think, the way you peer to the future with them, the way you pass me in the halls- your stone cold eyes being dragged around by ropes and levers, because they're far too heavy for you to hold all by yourself.
                Your eyes are nets that I can’t help but get caught in- even when you don’t look at me.
                                But I fear…
                I fear the way you hate them.
                You once joked that you thought they were the color of crap, and didn’t let me respond because you knew I’d say some forced broken complement.
                But now I offer you my compliment- so utterly not broken.
                You’re eyes are a song.
            You’re eyes are dreams, so deep that I could spend hours wandering through them. Sure, sometimes they don’t make sense. Sometimes things happen that I don’t count on- sometimes it just feels like a haze, but all the time I wander through them, regardless.
                You’re eyes captivate me.
                Your eyes feel sacred- Maybe that’s why you don’t let people stare into them too long. Maybe that’s why it feels like I’m being excommunicated every time I catch a glimpse into your soul.
                                But I know you fear, also ..
                Yes, I see your eyes are afraid.
I see that you can’t hold your gaze with anyone, but maybe your eyes falter because, in the night while mine rest, yours are skipping between your real life and that fake one we never talk about.
That one where you’re happy
The one where you’re yourself.
                But I’m STILL afraid..
I’m afraid, because when I look into your eyes- with the oceans and the nets and the dreams and the worlds and the deep meanings, beyond beautiful almond colored iris's, I Don’t See...

I don't see me.




  1. This is beautiful. "Maybe your eyes falter because at night while mine rest yours are skipping between your real life and the fake one we never talk about" ok im obsessed with this

  2. Okay this is amazing. And that last part really got me.

  3. You're cool. I'm glad I read this. I'm sorry I never read your blog till now.
