Sunday, February 8, 2015

How to Tell if You Know What Fear Is

 According to Hector Vance
                                (All real experiences, if I may add…)

o   Fear is 1% battery power

o   Fear is standing on cracking branch in a twenty foot tree

o   Fear is holding a power washer to a box of dishes and suddenly realizing that the stream has just met the curve one of the spoons.
o   Fear is your code not working, and you have absolutely no idea why.
o   Fear is your code working and you still have absolutely no idea why.
o   Fear is accidentally petting someone else’s cat on the underside of their belly, which is NOT declawed.
o   Fear is a seemingly unforgivable fight with a friend
o   Fear is walking into the territory of a freak, depressed parrot darting towards your face.
o   Fear is answering “52!”, out loud, in front of the entire class, when the teacher asks “How old do you think I am?”
(By some stroke of luck, I was exactly right. Miracles do exist, people.)

o   Fear is remembering you left the sink on, as the manager pulls up.
o   Fear is watching the years pass
o   Fear is seeing myself struggle
o   Fear is seeing a friend struggle
o   Fear is hearing the words, “Sometimes, I think about suicide.”
o   Fear is mood shifts and blood tests

o   Fear is knowing that I will have to do it all again tomorrow, and I’m not sure if I can handle that.

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